François Berléand

François Berléand

François Berléand (French: ; born 22 April 1952) is a French actor.

He plays Gilles Triquet, the officer manager and equivalent of David Brent in Le Bureau, the French version of The Office, produced by Canal . He also appeared in the 2002 film The Transporter as the French commissaire named Tarconi, an active and honest police officer who is an acquaintance of Frank Martin (Jason Statham). He reprised the role in the sequels Transporter 2 and Transporter 3 and the TV series.

Early life
Berléand was born in Paris, France. The son of an Armenian father and a French mother, until the age of eleven he found his childhood traumatic after being told by his father that Berléand was the son of the Invisible Man.
