Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon 10.0
In the eighteenth century, in a small village in Ireland, Redmond Barry (Ryan O'Neal) is a young farm boy in love with his cousin Nora Brady (Gay Hamilton). When Nora gets engaged to British Captain John Quin (Leonard Rossiter), Barry challenges him to a duel of pistols. He wins and escapes to...More

  • Sparsh Hardik Sparsh Hardik 30 December 2022 10.0

    Masters are masters for the reasons. Barry Lyndon’s double shots make perfect sense! Why put two different (an establishing and a close-up) shots when a single one can serve the purpose?

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Michael Hordern

Michael Hordern

Ryan O'Neal

Ryan O'Neal

Marisa Berenson

Marisa Berenson

Hardy Krüger

Hardy Krüger

Steven Berkoff

Steven Berkoff

Murray Melvin

Murray Melvin

Leon Vitali

Leon Vitali

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