
Nightcrawler 10.0
NIGHTCRAWLER is a thriller set in the nocturnal underbelly of contemporary Los Angeles. Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Lou Bloom, a driven young man desperate for work who discovers the high-speed world of L.A. crime journalism. Finding a group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, murder...More

  • Sparsh Hardik Sparsh Hardik 30 December 2022 10.0

    Sensational! The most interesting and hateful and disgusting and a monster protagonist, who can go any limits for creepy footage at the crime scene. Kudos!

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Bill Paxton

Bill Paxton

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Rene Russo

Rene Russo

Riz Ahmed

Riz Ahmed

Kevin Rahm

Kevin Rahm

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt

Ann Cusack

Ann Cusack

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