The film tells the story of chartered accountant Vikram (Played By Shawar Ali) and his keep Soniya (Played By Meera) who are waiting for another accountant Muqaadam (Played By Rashid Khan) to deliver R50 million hard cash to their farm house. Vikram works for Sultan Corporation which is owned by Sultan (Played By Ranjeet). As soon as Muqaadam delivers the money, Vikram and Sonia plans to kill Muqaadam and escape to Singapore next day with 50 million to start a new life. Vikram and Soniya go exactly by their plan. Enter Karan Oberoi (Abhishek Kumar) whose car breaks down in front of Vikram's farmhouse. Karan also happens to be Soniya's ex-classmate in junior college. Reshma Salahuddin (Kavita Radheshyam), an exotic bar dancer who is 3 months pregnant and is waiting for her boyfriend Muqaadam to return. Until she finds out Muqaadam is killed, starts a dirty game of love, betrayal, murder and deceit. Three people with 5 hours to go and with 50 million hard cash