Set in Amritsar, the movie narrates the story of two generations. Kaptaan, the grandfather of the protagonist Jaggi Singh, is a former army soldier whose passion is Bhangra. He continues to perform Bhangra after being recruited in the army. On the battlefield as well, he motivates his comrades to get up by beating a drum and performing Bhangra. Unfortunately, Kaptaan loses a leg in the war, and feels dejected and refuses to go home. Back home, Nimmo, the girl he loves, is about to get married.
In the present, Jaggi Singh is a Bhangra aspirant from Khalsa college who wants Bhangra to make it big in the world. Kaptaan is Jaggi's idol, and he believes that in order to perform the main move in Bhangra, the "jhoomar", one has to be in love.