The origin story of Bhavesh Joshi, an Indian superhero, who sets out to fulfill his slain friend's wish to clean and reform the country, by training himself to fight and wearing a mask.
Bhavesh Joshi Superhero is an action film about a young man who wants to continue doing the right and challenge the wrong. And on this journey, he discovers that he's destined to do bigger things, which will transform him from a common man into a superhero.
In a world encapsuled in corruption and lies, one man in the city of Mumbai belives that change is fundamental and will add up from all the small deeds. The discovery of an elaborate plot to engulf the city in a disaster has just been unearthed by Bhavesh Joshi. The scheme runs deep into the hands of the powerful men in Mumbai. Now the question remains, is one man enough to rebuild this city, let alone this country.