The show revolves around the life of an upper-class Gujarati family, the Sarabhai's, who live in a luxury apartment building, and later in penthouses, in the upmarket Cuffe Parade neighbourhood in South Mumbai.
The family consists of Maya and Indravadhan Sarabhai, who have three children.
Sahil, the eldest, lives in the apartment opposite them with his middle-class wife Monisha. Sahil is a cosmetologist and is very composed as compared to the other characters. Monisha's middle-class habits irk Maya, a snooty and snobbish socialite. She constantly insults her with "light-hearted jokes" and attempts to correct her ways but in vain.
Maya and Indravadhan's second child, Sonya, is a psychic, married to a technician Dushyant, who irritates the family by explaining everything about machines. His catchphrase is "I'll explain."
The youngest child, Rosesh, is a poet and actor, whose poems are a constant source of comedy for the show. Indravadan loves to torture Rosesh and taunts his poetry, and him, for being his "Momma"'s a puppet. He is unmarried and lives with his parents.
The other characters in the family include Indravadhan's sister Ila, and her deaf husband Madhusudan, whose catchphrase is "Hain?"
Comedy and conflict ensue in the daily events happening in the Sarabhai's lives.
Much of the humour in the show is derived from the shallow interactions among the city's elite and their perceived notions of the shortcomings and failings of middle-class society. It has a cult-like status among all the Indian sitcoms.