A modern masterpiece of the magic realism genre. Once you would start it, it won't let you properly sleep until you finish it! Haruki Murakami poured his love for literature, music and sense of life of a struggling Japanese boy, in this novel. This is a modern take on the theme of the Oedipus complex. The parallel plot of Satoru Nakata is mesmerizing and heart wrenching. The reader would fall in love with his innocence. ** મેજિક રિઅલિઝમ જોન્રાની મોડર્ન માસ્ટરપિસ નવલકથા. એકવાર શરૂ કર્યા...Read more
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Its 2005 English translation was among "The 10 Best Books of 2005" from The New York Times and received the World Fantasy Award for 2006.