Sukhacha Shodh

Sukhacha Shodh
What is human life? It is a union of three beautiful feelings. The first is our own happiness and progress. The second felling is towards our family, the obligations, the indebtness. One has to try to repay it to the best of his/her ability. The third is the unseen flow, to help the society progress, the society of which we are members. Ones life can be said fulfilled only when the indebtedness of ourselves, that of the family and of the society is satisfied at the same time. If there is no conflict between these three then we can say that the person is successful in his life. V. S. Khandekar's book reveals these secrets of human life in his novel. There are many characters in this novel Of them, Anand believes only in sacrifice, the traditional belief; Appa and Bhayya are those incompetent people who shade off their responsiblities and justify themselves by making a single person shoulder it. Manik is hopeless, literate girl but has always failed in recognising a good mind, Usha is...More


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