Raja Abroadiya is a Bollywood romantic comedy, directed and produced by Lakhwinder Shabla, under the banner Shabla Films. The movie stars Robin Sohi, Vaishnavi Patwardhan, Harry Verma, Abhishek Singh Pathania, Olga Hoffmann, Alankrita Bora, Vaishnavi Macdonald, Yograj Singh etc., in the lead roles.
The movie depicts the story of a rich village boy who was truly enjoying his royal status until the day his ego gets hurt by a village drunk bantu whose son return from abroad after being married to a foreign girl. Raja accepts his challenge, announcing he too, will become an abroadiya.
Leading lady Preety also has a dream of going abroad & change her social & economical status. This two meet in the process, they make a deal between them . The struggle faced by both to reach their respective goals form the plot of Raja Abroadiya.